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ISSUE TITLE Baldonado Position Kinzelman Position EXPLANATION
Big Money Corrupts Our Democracy Some Candidates Accept Donations from Big-Money Corporations.

In 2018 he accepted over $14K from out-of-state oil companies.

Accepts NO corporate donations

I rely on grass roots contributions. I support expanding public campaign financing.
Trickle-Down Economics Cutting taxes primarily on the rich.

Supports the rich


Supports middle class


We must restructure our tax system so that corporations and the wealthy pay their fair share. Their tax savings NEVER trickle down.
American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) ALEC writes anti-citizen bills

ALEC member

Pro Citizens

Business lobby organization
2020sp/SB8 Police reform NO YES Allows police officers to be held accountable for abuse, and requires body cameras to always be worn not only for protection against police abuse, but protection of officers wrongly accused.
2020sp/SB3 Small Business Recovery Act NO YES Helps small businesses devastated by the Covid-19 health emergency
2020sp/SB4 Temporary Election Changes NO YES Makes change to voting procedures to make voting easier in the wake of the Covid-19 health emergency
2019/HM92 Universal Health Care in NM NO YES This is the first step in implementing Universal Health Care for all New Mexicans to replace Obamacare.
2019/HB436 Preserves beneficial Obamacare requirements NO YES This Bill prevents health insurers from eliminating protections required by Obamacare (for instance preventing pre-existing condition exclusions).
2020/HB148 Increases Working Families Tax Credit NO YES This Bill would have increased the tax credit for certain working families.
2019/SB672 Enhancing Voter Registration NO YES Makes voter registration easier.



2020 / HB9

Community Solar Gardens Act NO YES Solar Gardens allow people to participate in solar power generation projects who could not otherwise afford to do so.
2017/SB227 State Facility Renewable Energy Use NO YES NM should lead the way in reducing large building energy use.
2019/HB51 Bill to Decriminalize Abortion NO YES Please see my detailed position.
2017/HB442 Minimum wage increase bill (did not pass) NO YES Wages have been stagnant for decades even as productivity and profits have risen. The upward wealth redistribution has gotten worse during this time.
2017/HB575 Health Security Plan Analysis Act – a system for health insurance to cover all NM residents. NO YES All NM residents deserve affordable insurance.
2018/HM9 Explore Medicaid buy-in plan NO YES This legislation would merely study expanding medicaid to cover more people in NM.
2013/HB168 Establish a non-profit health insurance exchange program NO YES I would support an avenue wherein NM residents could seek out the best health care coverage.
2014/HB82 Prohibit state officials from becoming lobbyists for 2 years after leaving state service NO YES I firmly believe there should be a waiting period to go from State Official to becoming a lobbyist.
2017/SB121 Prohibits (Gay) Conversion Therapy NO YES Conversion therapy is harmful. Being gay is not a disease.
2017/SB259 Prohibits people convicted of domestic violence from owning firearms NO YES I would oppose legislation that would allow anyone convicted of domestic violence to own a firearm.
2015/HB75 Right-To-Work (union busting) Law YES NO When unions prosper our economy prospers. See my position.
2013/HB465 Reduce penalties for marijuana possession NO YES We should legalize marijuana for recreational use in NM broadening our tax base and revenue to fund education and infrastructure. See my position
2013/HJR10 Fund permanent school fund from the Land Grant Fund NO YES

New Mexico ranks 50th in the nation in educating our students. When your house is on fire, you don't worry about draining your savings account. See my position.

2017/HB166 Exempt Hemp from Controlled Substances NO YES Exemption would be apathway to a whole new industry and revitalizing revenues sources for our agricultural communities
2017/HB155 Medical Cannabis Research Act NO YES This bill sought to amend sections of the Lynn and Erin Compassionate Use Act and the Department of Health Act for more friendly laws.


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